SOWA-RIGPA also known as Amchi System, is a Tibetian System of Medicine

According to Ministry of AYUSH, GoI, majority of theory and practice of SOWA-RIGPA is similar to "Ayurveda". In 2017,Both India and China nominate the Tibetan medicine system for Unesco honour. In 2010, Indian Parliament adopted a bill to recognise within the definition of Indian medicine the Sowa-Rigpa system practised in sub-Himalayan region of the country.  China also recognises this system as its tradition.
  • It is originated in Tibet, and  practiced in India, Mongolia, Bhutan, parts of China, Nepal and Russia.
  • In India, the heart of tradition is in Dharamsala and practiced in Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh in J&K, Darjeeling (West Bengal), Lahaul & Spiti (Himachal Pradesh).
  • It is among the oldest documented medical traditions in the world and is believed to have originated in the 3rd century BC.
  • The first Ayurvedic influence came to Tibet during 3rd century AD but it became popular only after 7th centuries with the approach of Buddhism to Tibet.
  • rGyud-bZhi (four tantra) the fundamental text book of this medicine was composed by Yuthog Yonten Gonpo who is believed to be the father of Sowa Rigpa. rGyud-bZhi is based on indigenous medicine of Tibet enriched with Ayurveda, Chinese and Greek Medicine.
  • Traditionally Sowa Rigpa was presented within the context of an interdisciplinary study containing the Five Major Sciences (Buddhist Philosophy, Logic, Sanskrit, Medicine, and Arts & Crafts) and the Five Minor Sciences (Synonymics, Mathematics & Astrology, Drama, Poetry, and Composition).

